Joe Biden just went public with a bailout of Silicon Valley tech start-ups and venture capital firms.
Get this: 5,000 tech CEOs begged the Biden administration for it in a letter. And they got it!
Now, they say it won’t cost taxpayers a penny, but as David Stockman — a former White House Director of the Office of Management and Budget — said after the bailout was made public:
“That’s complete nonsense.”
Stockman says the FDIC (the federal agency that guarantees bank deposits) has the authority to raise insurance premiums sky-high on all of our deposits.
And as Stockman says, “That’s a tax, folks!”
Of course, the most important question now is: What’s going to happen next?
Well, another analyst with close ties to the federal government has an answer you need to hear.
Joel Litman — a forensic accountant who consults regularly for the FBI and the Department of Defense — says this is all leading to one big event that will not only surprise most Americans but will also have a huge impact on you and your money.
Litman says the big surprise is coming over the next roughly 20 months and that it involves Joe Biden.
Litman adds that the lead-up to this event could help many people make a lot of money.
But he says there’s a huge downside too, and he spells out the facts here.
Litman says that when this event takes place, it’s going to get much, much harder to hold onto the money you make.
We strongly encourage you to check out Joel Litman’s new analysis, which explains what might be the most important event affecting you and your money over the next few years.