Disturbing threats and acts of violence linked to Donald Trump’s fervent followers are intensifying, casting a chilling shadow over journalists, judges, and politicians.
The alarming incidents include a mob showing up at the home of individuals wrongly accused by Trump, ominous threats against judges who rule against him, and a pervasive atmosphere of fear stifling dissent.
The harrowing tale of “Shaye” Moss and Ruby Freeman, falsely accused by Trump and Giuliani of election interference, paints a grim picture of the consequences of being targeted by Trump’s base.

As reported by Raw Story on Saturday, December 30, 2023, A mob, hurling threats, descended upon Freeman’s home, prompting her to flee after an FBI warning about her inclusion on a “kill list” of a January 6th defendant.
Republican senators’ accounts, as revealed by Mitt Romney, provide a glimpse into the coercion and fear that swayed votes during Trump’s impeachment trials.
Some senators, terrorized by the prospect of violence from Trump’s supporters, chose to disregard their principles and voted against conviction.
Journalists, too, find themselves in the crosshairs, with some opting for self-censorship to avoid the wrath of Trump’s fascist followers.
The fear of becoming targets has led to a reluctance to criticize Trump openly, even among those who might be critical of President Biden.
The judiciary has not been spared from this climate of intimidation.
Judges faced with opportunities to challenge Trump’s eligibility on constitutional grounds have, in some instances, refrained from doing so, potentially due to concerns for their safety and that of their families.
The recent decision by the Colorado Supreme Court to vote Trump off the ballot prompted immediate threats against the justices, forcing them to seek security measures for themselves and their families.
As NBC News reports, Trump’s followers have responded with alarming ferocity, posting messages advocating violence against judges on online forums.
The escalation of threats has heightened anxieties among those who dare to stand against Trump, creating an atmosphere where self-preservation becomes a prevailing concern.
The broader implications of this environment extend beyond individual cases, raising profound questions about the health of democracy when dissent is met with such visceral hostility.
The ongoing threats and acts of violence underscore the urgent need for a comprehensive examination of the repercussions of Trump’s influence on civic discourse and the rule of law.