Newsletter #52 of The Wheatley School Alumni Association via Loomered, which Arthur Engoron operates, has revealed that once again, New York State Supreme Court Justice Arthur F. Engoron may have committed multiple acts of misconduct in violation of The New York State Unified Court System’s Judicial conduct, specifically Section 100.4 while overseeing President Trump’s civil fraud trial.

It has been noted that The Letitia Peekaboo James witch hunt officially commenced in March 2019. The Communist New York Attorney General opened the sham proceedings by serving multiple subpoenas and discovery requests upon the Trump family, President Trump, and many others.
By August 2020, The Attorney General convinced Judge Engoron to compel the Trump parties to comply with her deposition demands. By September of 2020, Judge Engoron ordered Eric Trump to sit for a deposition no later than October 7, 2020. Eric Trump complied with Engoron’s order and was deposed on October 5, 2020.
Justice Engoron was preparing and compiling information for his newsletter’s latest issue between October 2, 2020 through November 8, 2020. During this timeframe, Justice Engoron was also actively participating in the Trump witch hunt, while simultaneously communicating with an extremely biased, and anti-Trump federal prosecutor who is also linked to a witness in the Trump case.
Issue #52 from Justice Engoron’s Wheatley Alumni Newsletter has clearly revealed an extremely troubling and highly inappropriate abuse of power and ethical violation by the New York State Supreme Court.
While Eric Trump’s court ordered deposition was taking place, Justice Engoron was colluding with fellow Wheatley Wildcat, federal prosecutor, and personal confidant Phillip Halpern. During that time, Halpern was also preparing, coordinating, and conducting multiple anti-Trump commentaries and interviews, amongst numerous left leaning national publications and mainstream media outlets.
Even more disturbing, Halpern conducted an interview on or before October 26, 2020 with Attorney General Letitia James’s star witness, the recently incarcerated, and disbarred attorney Michael Cohen.
On November 8, 2020, Engoron published and released issue #52 of The Wheatley Alumni Newsletter. An extensive forensic document analysis of the subject newsletter revealed that on page 12, there is an acknowledgement of a pleasantry from Phillip Halpern, to New York State Supreme Court Justice Arthur F. Engoron.
“Art, Thanks for dropping me a line. Although I was not so brazen to believe my article in itself could make a difference, I felt it was important to add my voice to the chorus of citizens concerned about the direction of our country.”
The following was copied and pasted from page 12 of newsletter #52. Justice Engoron published the following links and notes, relative to the ongoing politically motivated commentaries and interviews that were weaponized for the sole purpose of attacking President Donald J. Trump.
We must thoroughly scrutinize the time frame during Justice Engoron’s preparation for the latest issue of his beloved newsletter, between the dates of October 2, 2020 through November 8, 2020. During this timeframe, Justice Engoron was also actively engaging in the Trump witch hunt.
The judge was simultaneously communicating with an extremely biased anti-Trump federal prosecutor, that was in direct contact with multiple Leftist news sources and the Attorney General’s star witness. The only objective of every single interview and commentary was to disparage the reputation and the credibility of President Donald J. Trump.
Any reasonable person would admit these relationships amongst the prosecution’s star witness and the openly biased judge are highly inappropriate. These biased actions cast a reasonable doubt on the judge’s ability to act impartially as a judge, and they detract from the dignity of judicial office.