Donald Trump’s bizarre claim about stolen elections raised many eyebrows. On December 2, Trump made two campaign stops in Lowa; one in Ankeny and the other in Cedar Rapids. The former President appears to believe that he would win blue states like California if God and Jesus decided to intervene in elections, reports Radar Online.

During the event in Cedar Rapids, Trump focused his criticism on President Biden, calling him “crooked,” all the while repeating his baseless accusations that the 2020 election was rigged and that he would be declared the winner by Jesus and God. “I actually believe that if they didn’t have rigged elections out there, if they didn’t have all the paper bal– you know, they send out like 36 million ballots, and nobody knows where the hell they’re going to or coming from. I think a few people know where they’re going to and a few people know where they’re coming from,” Trump told the crowd, ranting about California.
“But I think if you had a real election and Jesus came down and God came down and said, I’m going to be the scorekeeper here, I think we would win there,” the leading GOP candidate continued. “I think would win in Illinois, and I think it would win in New York, which is all places that, in theory … I think you can win New York. I think you can win New Jersey. I think we can win Virginia. People that, states that in theory, would be with us.
After calling President Joe Biden “crooked,” the former presidential candidate discussed his opinions on the 2020 election. “I think for years we could have won them. These elections are rigged. Our elections are totally rigged and we got to do something about it,” Trump said to a cheering audience. “The radical left Democrats rigged the presidential election of 2020, and we’re not going to allow them to rig the presidential election of 2024 and destroy our country totally.”
The 2020 election was a theme even in his rally before this one in Ankeny, Rolling Stone reported. Using the same campaign-long themes, Trump reiterated his false accusations that President Biden was rightfully declared the winner of the 2020 election and called the media “fake news” during his “Commit to Caucus” speech in Ankeny. “The one thing they don’t want to talk about is the [2020] election. They are guilty as hell, they cheated like hell,” Trump claimed. “They know it, and you’ll never find out all the ways. But we don’t need all the ways because, you know, it was, I think 22,000 votes separated it, and we have millions and millions of votes. It’s a very sad thing.”
Then he exhorted the audience to “go into” cities such as Atlanta, Detroit, and Philadelphia and “watch those votes when they come in when they’re being, you know, shoved around in wheelbarrows and dumped on the floor and everyone’s saying what’s going on?”