Citizens are turning their attention to Speaker Mike Johnson, urging him to step up and deliver on promises that have long lingered in the shadows of political ambiguity.
The demand is clear: release the J6 tapes and initiate the impeachment proceedings against President Joe Biden as reported by Conservative Brief on November 13.

“Time Is Up,” declares Marjorie Taylor Greene on X (formerly Twitter), voicing the sentiments of many who feel that crucial steps toward accountability are long overdue.
The first demand resonates with a growing desire for transparency surrounding the events of January 6th.
As citizens, we have a right to know the full extent of what transpired on that fateful day.
The release of the J6 tapes is not just a request; it is a demand for the truth.
Speaker Johnson’s hesitancy to act on this matter raises questions about accountability and transparency within our government.
The call for the impeachment of President Joe Biden adds another layer of urgency to the plea for action.
The assertion that there is “NO REASON” to delay these proceedings reflects the frustration felt by those who believe that the current administration needs to be held accountable for its actions.
The demand for impeachment is not an isolated sentiment but a collective call from ‘We The People’ for justice and accountability.
The urgency of these demands is underscored by the plea for Speaker Mike Johnson to address the plan promptly.
We The People” deserve transparency, and inaction is not an option.
It is time for Speaker Johnson to step up and provide a clear roadmap for the release of the J6 tapes and the initiation of impeachment proceedings.
However, amidst these calls for action, there are skeptics who label Speaker Johnson as a “staged rino plant.” The skepticism reflects a broader sentiment of distrust in the government.
Some believe that nothing will change until there is a complete overhaul of the current political landscape.
This skepticism adds a layer of complexity to the demand for action, highlighting the need for genuine change within the government
The resounding agreement expressed by those who comment with a simple “Agree!!!!!!!!” emphasizes the unity behind these demands.
‘We The People’ are calling for accountability, transparency, and decisive action from our elected officials.
Speaker Mike Johnson now stands at a critical juncture, facing a populace that demands more than promises and platitudes.
It is time for him to step forward, lay out his plan, and demonstrate that he is committed to the principles of transparency, accountability, and justice that the American people deserve.
The clock is ticking, and ‘Time Is Up’ for Speaker Mike Johnson to act.