Texas Lt. Governor Announces Texas Will Buy All of the Dirt Cheap Border Materials Left by Biden and Will Give It Back to Donald Trump (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit
Trucks under Biden regime orders transport border materials away to be sold at auction. Credit: The Daily Wire
As reported earlier by Cullen Linebarger, The Biden regime is determined to sabotage President Trump and America at any cost, even if it means dangerous illegal aliens will continue to invade America.
Daily Wire reporter James Lalino broke an explosive story Thursday revealing the Biden regime is using its final weeks in power to move massive amounts of border wall pieces away from the southern border to be sold off in a government auction.
The outlet also captured damning video footage from a U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agent showing unused sections of the wall being carried away on the back of flatbed trucks. This occurred from a section of the border south of Tucson, one of the most troublesome border-area spots.
In the video, you can see the massive number of border wall materials that will soon vanish.
EXCLUSIVE: Weeks before Trump takes office, Biden is racing to auction off unused border wall materials.
Video shows trucks hauling wall materials off the border to a government auction site, where a massive amount of wall is waiting to be sold. pic.twitter.com/ogaQMBHw7R
On his first day in office following his Inauguration behind fences and 20,000 military troops, Biden hobbled to the Oval Officer where he signed several executive orders including the end of construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline and the end of construction of the Trump border wall.
It was Joe Biden’s first act as president. Biden opened the US border to illegal aliens.
Joe Biden killed off an estimated 52,100 American jobs in the process.
During President Trump’s time in office you could track the progress of his border wall. Trump was able to build hundreds of miles of border wall despite pushback from then Speaker Paul Ryan, Majority leader Mitch McConnell, and every Democrat in office. Trump also had to regularly fend off the liberal legacy media who attacked his plan to secure the US southern border.
Border wall materials wasting away in southern US after Joe Biden opened the border in 2021.
Over 10 million illegals crossed into the US in Joe Biden’s time in office.
In August 2023, Maria Bartiromo announced that the Biden regime sold the Trump border wall parts worth $300 million for $2 million.
On Thursday morning James Lalino reported that Biden is selling the remaining wall segments for scrap before he leaves office.
By Thursday night Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick announced that Texas will buy the border materials left by the Biden regime before they are sold like scrap metal by the Biden regime.
Lt. Governor Dan Patrick: I’m absolutely disgusted by every act of this administration and every act of every Democrat in every blue state and blue city. They are undermining the will of the people. They are putting their people in the harm’s way. Tom Holman, he’s the new sheriff in town. They better pay attention. Pam Bondi, she’ll prosecute him. They’ll put them in jail. It’s a felony if you conceal, as Tom Holman said, or hide an illegal alien.
Remember, Laura, in this group of illegal aliens are likely terrorists. We know we’ve arrested many across the border in the last four years, but we don’t know who they are, or their murders, or their sex offenders, or their rapists. This is outrageous.
Let me tell you what, every blue state governor and mayor who does this, you better buck up, buttercup. I don’t care if you’re male or female. We mean business in Texas, and Tom Holman means business, and President Trump means business. I don’t know if you heard the latest today, Laura, but Joe Biden is now hauling off the border wall that’s been lying down for years, and he wants to auction it off starting at $5 a piece.
Message to the White House right now, I will bid on all of that wall, and we will buy it in Texas, and we will give it to Donald Trump. So I’m going to find out first thing in the morning, where are we going to take the bid. I’ve got a billion dollars in my pocket to do it. I write the budget with Senator Joan Huffman. We have the money. We’re going to have about six billion in our budget for border security. We’ll buy it.
You just gotta love Texas!
Via Insurrection Barbie.
Texas will buy all the border materials that the Biden administration is trying to auction off. pic.twitter.com/TpGqkpy6Pp