Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently acknowledged that he will likely lose the New Hampshire primary to former President Donald Trump via Mediaite.
DeSantis joined the network for an interview with anchor Neil Cavuto on Friday where he was confronted about his falling poll numbers in New Hampshire and other key states.

After securing a victory in the Iowa Caucus by gaining 51% of the vote, Trump is now leading in New Hampshire with an average support of 46.8%, as reported by RealClearPolitics. Meanwhile, DeSantis has decided to discontinue his campaign in the state in order to compete with Nikki Haley in her home state of South Carolina.
During an interview, Cavuto questioned DeSantis about Trump’s recent attacks, which have been directed towards Haley instead of the Florida governor. The anchor pointed out that it seemed as if DeSantis was being ignored during the interview.
“I don’t think he’s mentioned anybody more than me over the last year. That’s been constant,” DeSantis responded. “But I do think Haley has spent a massive amount of money here. She’s trying to appeal to liberal voters who are allowed to vote in this primary.
DeSantis then argued that because New Hampshire allows independents to vote in Republican primaries, Haley has seen a surge in the polling.
He continued, “I think that she’s performed better in polls than she would if it was just a normal Republican primary. So I do think they’re seeing that…I think a lot of it’s a factor of her dumping so much money into the state. I think an unprecedented amount of money.”
The Florida governor then appeared to preemptively concede defeat in the state, claiming that Trump will likely be victorious in the primary next week.
“But I think her problem is Trump will run away with it in New Hampshire. I think that’s pretty clear at this point. He’s got the momentum from Iowa. And I don’t think anyone thinks that she can beat Trump in her home state of South Carolina,” DeSantis concluded.