Guest post by: Released J6 Prisoner JAMES TATE GRANT
I was released this fall from federal custody after almost 3 years of hell – but I don’t feel free. After 32 months of living like a caged animal, I am struggling with the pressures and expenses of readjusting to society.
Forced to start over from scratch, I am constantly hit with expenses like fines and constant trips to the probation officer. I have no health insurance but had no choice but to go to the ER for a stress-induced migraine that lasted for over 8 hours.

For protesting a stolen election, hundreds of J6ers have been relentlessly tortured. We’ve been raided at gunpoint, dragged across the country to Washington DC, and left to rot for years waiting for a trial. I suffered over 1,000 days waiting for trial – so much for the right to a speedy trial.
Even to this day, the FBI refuses to give me back my laptop, phone, and winter coat that they took from me.

The media destroyed our reputations with constant hit-piece news articles. Between trying to clear my name from the slander and trying to stay afloat financially, and I am beyond overwhelmed.
I lost a law school scholarship, 3 years of my precious youth, and significant damage to my reputation.

Despite applying for several jobs, I have not heard back from a single one. I live outside of Raleigh – which is no exception when it comes to cities being liberal. The felonies I received in defense of our nation’s elections have made it impossible to find a job and get out of this financial hole.

I feel like I am going backwards. As I write this, I have been forced to drive 40 minutes to my probation for the third day in a row. I have to borrow my family’s car, which is not always available. To get there today, I had to take an Uber.
The first visit was for an unnecessary drug test. The second day, I had an involuntary $250 assessment (Thankfully no treatment was recommended).
Tomorrow, my probation officer called me in for an unknown reason. I don’t even have a car to have the luxury of worrying about gas prices.

But despite everything I’ve endured, the prayers of my fellow Americans fueled me. Keep in mind before January 6th, I was searching for God, but I was not a Christian. My family is not religious at all.
I still clearly remember my lowest point. I was sitting in a cell without a toilet. To use the bathroom, you had to squat over a grate in the middle of the room. There was no bed, so I had to sleep on the floor without a mattress.
I was wearing nothing but a smock. 48 hours in, a moment came when I came close to my breaking point. “Every man’s got a breaking point” from the movie Shawshank Redemption echoed in my head. It was my first week in jail, and I couldn’t fathom being able to do 4 years of this. I wanted to break down and give up.

At that moment, I felt a surge of strength. I said to myself in a quote of General Eisenhower: “the prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you – you have to survive”.
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Instead of spiraling, I mentally recovered. After 4 days alone in that cell, I was finally transferred out to another facility. During those days, I didn’t leave the cell once – such was life in jail during COVID.
As I was leaving and being shackled in the arm and leg chains for the 2-hour journey, I noticed a religious pamphlet on the counter. On the first page there was a quote, it said:
You will be tested – James.
Like a message directly to me, I read it over and over to make sure it was real. I explained how remarkable this was to the guards as they chained me in irons – they didn’t care – but I did.
I thought about that the entire ride to the next facility (More accurately, back from Oxford to Raleigh, then Raleigh to the nightmare Northern Neck facility in Virginia).
The pamphlet was correct: I would be tested many times on this journey. But through this ordeal I found God, and I now attend church weekly.
Perhaps God freed me so that I could advocate for my brothers and sisters still incarcerated. For over 12 hours a day, I canvassed in North Carolina for President Trump. When it was all was said and done, I had knocked on over 2,000 doors to help get President Trump back in office.
I know that President Trump will do the right thing and bring all of these tortured patriots home. To leave anyone behind for protesting a stolen election is unthinkable.

This experience has been nothing short of a nightmare. But thanks to your support, I was able to show resilience and survive. Your help, prayers, and support saw me through this years-long nightmare. Please help me get out of this financial hole I am drowning in. Any donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless you.