Kevin Spacey did a partially in character interview with Tucker Carlson as Frank Underwood, teasing running against Donald Trump and Joe Biden for President, while praising Republicans Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley. He also teased Tucker as his Vice President.
In a recent podcast hosted by Roseanne Barr, Tucker Carlson engaged in a conversation with Barr about ancient “mounds” in Missouri and touched on Latter-day Saint beliefs regarding ancient America. Carlson, who admitted to previously making fun of these beliefs, expressed a shift in his perspective.

The discussion revolved around archaeological ruins in Missouri that, according to Carlson, were not constructed by the descendants of the current Native American Indians. Carlson highlighted the vast scale of these ruins, extending for a mile in length and reaching heights of around 50 feet. He acknowledged that such information was not commonly taught in schools but emphasized its authenticity, mentioning it could be found on Wikipedia.
When Barr inquired about the appearance of these mounds, Carlson described them as towering structures. The conversation then turned to the Book of Mormon, a scripture considered sacred by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Carlson acknowledged the Mormon belief that the Book of Mormon narrates the history of ancient people in the Americas, specifically the 10 lost tribes of Israel coming to the United States.
Despite having previously mocked these beliefs, Carlson expressed a change in attitude, stating that he would stop making fun of them. While he did not specify the exact mounds he was referencing, Carlson pointed out the presence of ancient mound structures in Missouri and neighboring states. Notable examples include the Big Mound monument near St. Louis and Monks Mound in Illinois, one of the largest known pre-Columbian mounds.