Former President Trump expressed disbelief that President Biden would be the Democratic Party’s nominee, casting doubt on Biden’s character and cognitive abilities.
As reported by The Hill on Friday, December 29, 2023, Trump labeled Biden as a “cheater,” a “scoundrel,” and a “bad guy,” challenging the perception that Biden is a genuinely nice person. Trump emphasized that looking at Biden’s credentials would reveal a different reality.
Trump went on to critique Biden’s cognitive abilities, a criticism he has made in the past. Comparing Biden today to 15 or 20 years ago, Trump claimed that Biden is now a different person, highlighting difficulties in articulation and sentence construction.

Trump stated, “The guy can’t talk. The guy can’t put two sentences together.” Expressing his disbelief in Biden becoming the nominee, Trump added, “I hope he is, but I can’t believe he’s going to be the nominee.”
The former president, known for boasting about his own cognitive abilities, recounted taking a physical and cognitive exam earlier in the month, asserting that he “aced” the cognitive test.
Trump suggested that all presidential candidates should be “forced to take” a cognitive exam, taking a swipe at Biden, whom he alleged “cannot pass a cognitive exam.” Trump continued to underscore his own success in such examinations, claiming to have aced them.
This isn’t the first time Trump has highlighted his cognitive abilities. In 2020, while still in office, he proudly shared his performance on a cognitive test in two separate interviews within a week.
Trump explained that the test included both easy and difficult questions, providing an example involving memory: “Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.” He reiterated that he passed the test with flying colors.
The article also touched upon Trump’s remarks in Iowa earlier in the month, where he reiterated his cognitive prowess. During the event, Trump stated, “I took a physical and I passed with flying colors.”
He emphasized the importance of cognitive exams for presidential candidates, reinforcing his belief that he excelled in such assessments.
The political landscape remains charged, with Trump asserting his dominance in cognitive abilities while casting doubt on Biden’s fitness for the presidency. These comments come amid ongoing debates and discussions about the 2024 Democratic primary, the upcoming presidential election, and the dynamics within the Democratic Party.
As the political discourse continues, Trump’s comments add fuel to the ongoing narrative surrounding Biden’s capabilities, shaping public perception and contributing to the broader political conversation.
The 2024 elections loom large, and the words of influential figures like Trump continue to shape the narrative and discourse surrounding key players in the political arena.