It has been noted that President Joe Biden referenced ex-President Donald Trump 21 times during an aggressive campaign speech in which he mocked Trump as a “loser” and ripped his Nazi-echoing speech via Media Ite.
The president’s campaigning thus far has been restricted to fundraisers at which cameras are not present, which was the case Tuesday when he headlined a fundraising reception at the Merchants Exchange Building in San Francisco, California.
But Biden’s remarks gave a taste of what campaign rallies will look like once he begins holding them in earnest — with a focus on aggressively going after Trump. Among the attacks were Biden mocking Trump as a loser who engineered the off-year election abortion debacle and ripping his Nazi-inflected Veterans Day speech:

“The press and pundits can keep being surprised as much as they want, but since I came off the sidelines to go toe to toe with Donald Trump, we haven’t stopped winning, and he hasn’t stopped losing. (Applause.)
Remember when Trump told us he was going to win so much we’d get tired of winning? (Laughter.) (Inaudible.) Oh, man. I don’t want — I shouldn’t get started. (Laughter.)
Let me tell you one thing that’s true: We got tired of Trump. The truth is the guy can’t get tired of losing.
Folks, look, the Supreme Court majority Trump proudly appointed overturned Roe v. Wade. They practically dared the women of America to be heard in court. The majority of the Court wrote, “Women are not without electoral or political power.” At the time, I said, “They ain’t seen nothing yet.” (Laughter.)
Oh, I did. They don’t have a clue about the power women in America. And that, we’re about to find out. They did — (applause) — in Kansas in the midterms, in Ohio.
Now Trump is running for president bragging about how he “killed Roe v. Wade,” quote. But he’s trying to change that now, too, if you notice.
So, let’s be absolutely cear- — clear what Trump’s bragging about. The only reason there is an abortion ban in America is because of Donald Trump. The only reason teenagers in Ohio are being forced to travel out of state to get their healthcare is because of Donald Trump. The only reason a fundamental right has been stripped away from the American people for the first time in American history is because of Donald Trump.
And just as all his Republican friends have found out about the power of women in America, Donald Trump is about to find out the power of women (inaudible). (Applause.)
And I especially want to thank Kamala for her leadership on this issue and so many others, from voting rights to artificial intelligence.
Folks, Trump was one of just two presidents who lost jobs during his presidency. In all of American history, only two lost jobs during their presidency. That’s why, now and then, we remember him as Donald “Hoover” Trump. (Laughter.)
The idea is: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain…” And it goes on: “…among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
While we’ve never fully lived up to it, we have never, ever walked away from it. Now Trump and the MAGA Republicans want to walk away from it. It’s not going to happen on my watch, I promise you. (Applause.)
There’s a lot of reasons to be against Donald Trump. But damn, he shouldn’t be president. He should not be president. (Applause.)
And that attack on — the attack on Nancy’s husband, that demonstrates maybe the best reason of all. To make a joke about that, you — you really have no business being anywhere near the presidency.
You know, there’s no place in America for political violence. None. Zero. Ever. None, zero, ever. (Applause.) And it’s never a laughing matter.
We all need to send the clearest message possible that political violence is never acceptable.
And in just a few — last few days, Trump has said if he returns to office, he’s going to go after all those who oppose him and wipe out what he called the “vermin” — quote, the “vermin” in America. A specific phrase with a sp- — a specific meaning. It echoes language you heard in Nazi Germany in the ‘30s. And it isn’t even the first time.
Trump also recently talked about, quote, “the blood of America is being poisoned” — “the blood of America is being poisoned.” Again, echoes the same phrases used in Nazi Germany.
Folks, we can’t fail. We can’t fail to treat the threat that he poses. I mean, we can’t.
Donald Trump and the extreme — extreme MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy American democracy. Folks, democracy is on the ballot again. We need you. Indeed, we need every American who loves our democracy — Democrats, independents, Republicans — to join together in 2024.
If we do that, we’ll have done something few generations get to say they could do. We will have literally saved democracy. Together, I know we can do this. The choice facing us cannot be any more stark.
When Donald Trump gave his Inaugural Address when he got elected, he chose to speak about American carnage. When I gave my Inaugural Address, I spoke about American possibility.
When Donald Trump looks at America, he sees a failing nation. When I look at America, I see the strongest economy in the world and America leading the world again. (Applause.)
When Donald Trump talks about what he’ll do if he returns to the presidency, he promises to bring “revenge” and “retribution” — his phrase — “revenge” and “retribution.” If you return me to the presidency, my promise would be to lift everyone in this country, leaving no one behind. (Applause.)
Maybe Donald Trump sees an angry, dark, dismal, divided future for America, but I don’t.”