Donald Trump posted on Truth Social: Nobody can believe this Political Witch Hunt Trial is still going on. No Victims, No Witnesses (their witness recanted his FAKE story, and said he Lied!), No Defaults, No Jury, No Nothing, only happy Banks etc.

There was FRAUD, however, but by the Judge and the A.G., in saying that Mar-a-Lago was worth only $18,000,000, when they knew it was worth many times that amount. They just wanted to make me look bad – All a big SCAM by the New York A.G. in order to get elected, and then to run for Governor, unsuccessfully.
The Trump Hating Judge MUST WITHDRAW his “bull…. (bullshit)” early ruling (before the trial even started. HE KNEW NONE OF THE FACTS!). He is devastated by the TRUTH, but just can’t let it go. He is OBSESSED! Any other Judge but this one would have dismissed this ridiculous lawsuit years ago. He asked me to settle for a MUCH LOWER AMOUNT, at a settlement conference, but I said NO, I DID NOTHING WRONG! Businesses will NEVER come back to New York if this HOAX is not dismissed & forgotten!
We won against Engoron in the Appeals Court, knocking out a big part of the case, but he then refused to accept their decision.
He just said “NO.” He is often overturned, one of the most, and couldn’t care less. I don’t believe we even one a single motion during this entire excursion into the wilderness of CRAZY. The State won 100% of their motions, including the fastest trial date for such a case in memory, “with no extensions for anything.” I’m being “railroaded” at a level never seen before. When Cohen admitted the whole case was a lie, he didn’t care. Think of it, we had a Perry Mason moment with their Star Witness and the judge acted like nothing had happened, and then started screaming at us. He then put a RIDICULOUS GAG ORDER ON ME, which we will appeal. He fines me at levels never seen before. The A.G.’s people are thrilled, but can’t believe it is happening. Engoron is crazy, totally unhinged, and dangerous – Our Judicial System has gone to HELL.