During an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital on Friday, November 17, retired Army Special Forces Lt. Col. Yinon Weiss, a veteran with 23 years of service, remarked that President Joe Biden’s administration should be prepared to deploy military in support of Israel.
Weiss, who worked closely with the Israeli military, believes that the October 7 attacks should be perceived by Americans as a pivotal moment for Israel, akin to a “Pearl Harbor” or “9/11-type event.” He argues that the scale of the attacks, per capita, surpasses these historical incidents.
In the interview, Weiss highlights a significant disparity in perspectives between Israel and the West, emphasizing that the West’s unfamiliarity with unequivocally winning a war since 1945 contributes to this divide.
Drawing parallels to World War II, he underscores the difference in approach, stating that the West has engaged in wars for specific objectives but not to destroy an enemy entirely
Weiss contends that the conflict between Israel and Hamas is a “full-on war,” asserting that nothing short of a complete victory is acceptable. He advocates for the U.S. to provide political top cover to Israel but suggests that the nation should be allowed to fight its own war without being restrained by U.S. views tied to aid.
Expressing sympathy for the argument that the U.S. should prioritize its own security, Weiss emphasizes the importance of the U.S. adamantly defending Israel’s right to self-defense as casualties mount in Gaza.
He urges support for Israel to complete the job it needs to do, particularly as calls for a cease-fire emerge from other countries and American lawmakers.
As a descendant of Holocaust victims, Weiss provides historical context to the rise in antisemitic rhetoric, especially on elite college campuses.
He voices concern over demonstrations that involve calls for violence against Jews and criticizes institutions like Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania for allowing such activities.
Weiss concludes by asserting the urgency of Israel destroying the enemy to deter any groups from thinking they can replicate the October 7 attacks. He declares, “Never again is now,” emphasizing the need for resolute action to prevent a recurrence of such events.